hdl_registers.generator.vhdl.simulation package


hdl_registers.generator.vhdl.simulation.check_package module

class hdl_registers.generator.vhdl.simulation.check_package.VhdlSimulationCheckPackageGenerator(register_list: RegisterList, output_folder: Path)

Bases: VhdlSimulationGeneratorCommon

Generate VHDL code with simulation procedures to check the values of registers and fields. See the VHDL code generator article for usage details.

  • For each field in each readable register, a procedure that checks that the register field’s current value is equal to a given expected value.

Uses VUnit Verification Component calls, via the procedures from VhdlSimulationReadWritePackageGenerator.

The generated VHDL file needs also the generated packages from VhdlRegisterPackageGenerator and VhdlRecordPackageGenerator.

SHORT_DESCRIPTION = 'VHDL simulation check package'
create(**kwargs: Any) Path

See super class for API details.

Overloaded here because this package file shall only be created if the register list actually has any registers.

get_code(**kwargs: Any) str

Get a package with methods for checking register/field values.

property output_file: Path

Result will be placed in this file.

hdl_registers.generator.vhdl.simulation.read_write_package module

class hdl_registers.generator.vhdl.simulation.read_write_package.VhdlSimulationReadWritePackageGenerator(register_list: RegisterList, output_folder: Path)

Bases: VhdlSimulationGeneratorCommon

Generate VHDL code with register read/write procedures that simplify simulation. See the VHDL code generator article for usage details.

  • For each readable register, a procedure that reads the register and converts the value to the natively-typed record.

  • For each field in each readable register, a procedure that reads the natively-typed value of the field.

  • For each writeable register, a procedure that writes a given natively-typed record value.

  • For each field in each writeable register, a procedure that writes a given field value.

Uses VUnit Verification Component calls to create bus read/write operations.

The generated VHDL file needs also the generated packages from VhdlRegisterPackageGenerator and VhdlRecordPackageGenerator.

SHORT_DESCRIPTION = 'VHDL simulation read/write package'
create(**kwargs: Any) Path

See super class for API details.

Overloaded here because this package file shall only be created if the register list actually has any registers.

get_code(**kwargs: Any) str

Get a package with methods for reading/writing registers.

property output_file: Path

Result will be placed in this file.

hdl_registers.generator.vhdl.simulation.vhdl_simulation_generator_common module

class hdl_registers.generator.vhdl.simulation.vhdl_simulation_generator_common.VhdlSimulationGeneratorCommon(register_list: RegisterList, output_folder: Path)

Bases: VhdlGeneratorCommon

Common methods for generation of VHDL simulation code.

static get_array_index_association(register_array: RegisterArray | None) str

Get the array index association. Suitable when associating the array index port to a read/write procedure call.

get_array_index_port(register_array: RegisterArray | None) str

Get the array index port declaration. Suitable for VHDL procedure/function signatures that can read registers in arrays.

static get_base_address_message() str

Status message for base address information. Suitable for error printouts.

Depends on a ‘base_address’ value being available as an ‘unsigned’ in VHDL.

static get_message() str

Get the compounded status message. Suitable for error printouts.

Depends on a ‘base_message’ string being present in VHDL, as well as a ‘message’ string from user which might be empty.

static get_register_array_message(register_array: RegisterArray | None) str

Status message for register array information. Suitable for error printouts.

If the register we are working on is in a register array, the ‘array_index’ value must be available as an integer in VHDL.

static reg_address_constant() str

Get a ‘reg_address’ constant declaration, for the byte address of the current register. Depends on the ‘reg_index’ and ‘base_address’ constants being present in the VHDL.

Is suitable for implementation of register/field access procedures.

reg_index_constant(register: Register, register_array: RegisterArray | None = None) str

Get a ‘reg_index’ constant declaration, for the index of the supplied register. If the register is in an array, the constant calculation depends on a ‘array_index’ being present in the VHDL.

Is suitable for implementation of register/field access procedures.

hdl_registers.generator.vhdl.simulation.wait_until_package module

class hdl_registers.generator.vhdl.simulation.wait_until_package.VhdlSimulationWaitUntilPackageGenerator(register_list: RegisterList, output_folder: Path)

Bases: VhdlSimulationGeneratorCommon

Generate VHDL code with wait_until_X_equals procedures that simplify simulation. See the VHDL code generator article for usage details.

  • For each readable register, a procedure that waits until the register assumes a given natively-typed record value.

  • For each field in each readable register, a procedure that waits until the field assumes a given natively-typed value.

Uses VUnit Verification Component calls to create bus read operations.

The generated VHDL file needs also the generated packages from VhdlRegisterPackageGenerator and VhdlRecordPackageGenerator.

SHORT_DESCRIPTION = 'VHDL simulation wait until package'
create(**kwargs: Any) Path

See super class for API details.

Overloaded here because this package file shall only be created if the register list actually has any registers.

get_code(**kwargs: Any) str

Get a package with wait_until_X_equals methods for registers/fields.

property output_file: Path

Result will be placed in this file.